Latest Update

Throw Acorns at People You Don’t Like

We’ve been busy working on the game and what have we added? Acorn Throwing. You can now throw acorns at houses, windows, trees, and of course, you can throw acorns at people you don’t like! Oh, and we may have an “enemy” in the game now? WHAT!

throw acorns at people you don't like
throw acorns at people you don't like

Throw it at a dummy!

throw acorns at people you don't like

game menu volume changer

Night Version:

save menu

UI is cool and all but let’s get back to the stuff everyone loves the most, GAMEPLAY. While we are keeping gameplay stuff pretty lowkey, we do have an… “enemy” encounter now! By enemy, I mean a dog that is friendly during the day (which I didn’t bother to show off in this update maybe later, sorry). But at night the dog will chase you until it gets you or you lose it.

dog chase

Don’t worry you can knock down the end table to try to slow it down and you can vault over it!

vaulting over chair

The last major thing I want to cover is the fact that we released our first video on YouTube! It is a look at 5 songs, each will play on a different day during the week of our game! It even comes with a neat visualizer made in our game! Take a look and enjoy!

Other Things We’ve Done:

  • More music
  • New NPCS
  • Additional landscaping such as different trees.
  • New locations to visit
  • Added more animals
  • Rebalanced our sound
  • Added new sound effects
  • Other things that in reality, aren’t as fun to talk about at this time.

Goodbye and Farewell!

We wish you all the best and we look forward to the day you all can throw acorns at people you don’t like!


happy dragon

throw acorns at people you don't like

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